Friday, November 23, 2012

Beats Solo HD ome to trade this c

, Who know that the bottom has what weapon come, although he has already kicked out crowd,he cans not figures out a next move the stem what.
Good short while he just thinks of to report to report castellan at once, hence send his person to return to to report the important event that has never once had.
Fix Luo to funnily looking at him good short while just way:"I say you …… to, is you, I have a fairy stone here, want not to want ……"
The captain is very natural of a nod of way:"Certainly think."
Fix Luo and take out a lot of fairy stones let captain see, just way:"Want and then take crystal dollar to change, 20 crystal dollars change how is a fairy stone?"
The captain only looking at to fix the fairy stones in the Luo's hands, already the eye emits stars fierce swallow saliva, want don't think as well of hurtle to fix Luo, at a stretch take out the crystal dollar on the body, only have 7, 8 crystal dollars on the result body, harm him even a fairy stone can not change.
He is immediately displeased don't have already called a way:"You ……can you wait my a short while first?I go home to take right away, very quick."
Fix Luo to stretch hand to pull his way:"Wait for a second, your wanting to return to to take me am to have no objection to, just can let there is the person of crystal dollar on the body first change with me?Want to be not you see, so many people still don't give° you hatred to die."
Captain this just discovers, present people, just with bad mercilessly the look in the eyes looking at him, favour way:"Go is to go, can I worry ……wait I to come back, your fairy stone has already been changed light."
Fix Luo to put a way of cachinnation:"Ha ha, stop worrying, I still fear your crystal dollars not enough change!"
The captain frighteneds of call a way:"You have so many fairy stones!"
Fix Luo that very evil smiling face appear again, he face near the captain in whisper say:"Than what you thought still want much get many, or should say, you the whole fairy stone of nation adds all and has no my much."
The captain listenned to even the words are all lazy to say, signed away and disappear ran don't copy, connect his those soldiers also unlike he is slow how much, all like a swarm of bees run have no shadow.
Fix Luo to immediately smile to say to the people of periphery:"The person who wants to trade quickly comes over, don't wait hereafter come to regret again, that time but rich have no the place change."
Fix Luo to take out a sparkling fairy stone, just thinking say what of time, just suddenly think of, he isn't basically understand, the fairy stone exactly has to the ordinary mortal what use, hence turn a head to ask him nearby of mirage way:"Mirage, this trifle has to the ordinary mortal what use?"
The mirage explains a way:"This use can greatly, here dissimilarity the external world, make is an ordinary mortal and can acquire a tremendous advantage from it.
They on being to be fixed by fairy stone to do true spirit in the house inside, two is the life span that can prolong ordinary mortal.A No. 3 quality fairy stone, about can let an ordinary mortal several life span of 50 years, you said by yourself, this trifle may they not want?"
Fix Luo to say with smile very naturally:"That not is break heads to all want?"
"BE exactly."The mirage peeps out a facial expression of"you just know",Artist Series.
Fix Luo back overdo come to toward people to roar a way:"Notice, the person who trade lined up right away and waited the meeting a per to came forward to trade, don't obey the person of order, I is can't with his bargain.
Listen to, 20 crystal dollars change a fairy stone, didn't take the person of crystal dollar on the body and went home to take at once.Still have ……I this also accepts a Huan dollar crystal stone(fall Kingdom not to call absolute being crystal in the green jade, but call it is Huan dollar crystal stone), a Huan dollar the crystal stone can change ten crystal stones.
Like, start trading."
When people signed line up, a per comes forward and fixs Luo to trade.
Fix Luo to very realize human nature, he doesn't rest in God crystal only the king just have been already collected, affirming some people is be secretly airtight to hide home, but fix Luo is exactly to give these people an opportunity, can will collect of the absolute being Be crystal to use on the edge of knife.
Indeed as expected not fix Luo anticipate, also true someone takes out ten absolute being at a time crystal come to trade, this can let to fix Luo happy pole, also really get all a fee effort not.
Traded about more than a hour, the castellan of this city also took big brigade person's horse to come bargain, this kind of bargain carries on as a castellan, is the kings' all not qualified tube.
Because the castellan of each city isn't a weak either, just be nominally returning to the fatherland a king to rule over, really want Dou to get up, the force of each city is to very frighten a person.
Reason ……still use to ask?All of owners are the descendants that fixs a person, who don't the house have the airtight method of self-discipline?Bad, the fairy stone is just.
There is fairy stone, the king calculates what!Certainly is which the side is pleasantly cool where side station, occupied to wait to finish trading again say.
Castellan first, , all people know machine of render up priority castellan, and this castellan don't know as well polite, follow people to let very naturally the position of , arrive at to fix Luo before the body, saw a short while ship first, and then saw one the fixing of ship is a person.
He is absolute being will at the insight very, he way:"You are welcome, unfamiliar elder generation, I am the castellan of this city, you can call me strong sun."
"Fix Luo."
Fix Luo to stretch out a hand, grasp castellan to stretch to come over of hand way.
Castellan strong sun heavily hold fix Luo's hand just way:"How are you, fix Luo's elder generation, I though the lord of one city, can be also embracing toward the principle of fair deal, don't know that the elder generation joys doesn't welcome?"
Fix a Luo polite way:"Certainly welcome, as long as with gift but comer, I am to mutually treat by gift.To, can the castellan have the Huan dollar crystal stone?"
Castellan a listen to look in the eyes 1:"Do not know how much the elder generation needs?"
"Have how much want how much."
"That good, I this sends a person to return to a , I this has many crystal dollars, don't know that the elder generation mostly had enough fairy stone?"
Fix Luo face up smile the way that must make open very much:"Arrive more the situation that you don't dare to think, and I this not only have No. 3 quality fairy stone, even have second class and first-class fairy stones."
The castellan unexpectedly projects one in the look in the eyes while hearing a first-class fairy stone silk absolute being light, clearly shows this fixing of castellan for of deep, he way:"Elder generation, I can make change to wait a fairy stone?"
Fix Luo to have no a difficult way:"Having can not?Only, first-class fairy stone I want to change a Huan dollar crystal stone, H'm, you are after all the lord of one city, I make you have some cheapness, press 1-1 ratios to exchange how?"
Which know castellan general knowledge very widely, he way:"Elder generation, this absolute being is crystal to isn't a general product, arrives fairyland, the absolute being crystal value almost had no bottom, so, also invite the elder generation Gao Tai Gui's hand."
Fix Luo to lay up smiling face to looking at castellan, way:"Now that you also understand absolute being crystal value, I don't say what useless talk, we press 1-5 ratios to trade how?"
The castellan lowered the head to contemplate a short while, or didn't promise, while being him to raise head to looking at to fix Luo in the look in the eyes fixing Luo, saw to fix Luo don't get angry, hence just spoke his request.
"Elder generation can add a point again?"
Fixing Luo to smile to scold is a , way:"You this boy's pouring is very clever and like, 1-10."
Satisfied way when castellan signed:"Many thanks to elder generation lift love,Beats Solo HD."
The castellan in fact also knows, the absolute being is crystal although good, still keep canning not comparing with the net value of fairy stone here, therefore he doesn't dare to demand as well,Beats by Dre Just Beats, can have 1-10 ratios to trade, he is already that the pleased hoped an outside.
"Elder generation, that we trade a crystal dollar first now, 1-20 is to be getting aer bit what-do-you-call-it, can?"
Fix Luo to smile to scold a way:"Depend, you are really this boy, also know a dozen of snakes with the stick ……good, press 1-1, stop saying not enough oh."
The castellan also says with smile:"Which ability, not just the elder generation lifts love, otherwise younger generation which dare be so bold."
This time and the bargain of castellan, fixed Luo to fully accept into up 1,000,000 crystal dollars, until fix Luo and receive more than 700 grain absolute being after the attendant of castellan come back crystal.
Trade still have been keeping on, the castellan of each city also all smells breeze since then, certainly is taking in great quantities crystal dollar and absolute being crystal since then, this is pleased bad to fix Luo, happy get he have been wreathed in smiles and give the ratio of other castellans, is also contrast strong sun city Related articles:

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